From writers block to artist.

I'm not going to lie, but I have really struggled to write the third and last part of my trilogy Freedom in chains! I am reliving the darkest time of my life but I know I will get there. Last year I simply could not put words to paper and I mentioned this to a lady I had met at my new church. She suggested I paint the block (I know!) Funny enough I had just dabbled a little bit in acrylic painting with another new friend from church, so I took her up on her challenge and decided to set some time to pray and then paint and see what happens. I will share the finished painting, then you can see where I am coming from when I say I started to pray around the block marked guilt that is attached to my left wrist. I really felt something happen inside of me and I really believe that a spiritual chain was broken. Well not long after that I started to paint! And I haven't looked back. A light has been lit in me and its kinda taken over lol. I have written some more of my book but time is a bit of an enemy at the minute. But who knows! Once I start writing I wont be able to stop!

It's only just hit me but how ironic that my Book is called Freedom in Chains... Something to think about...